Success Stories

Our unique Program has helped over 120+ Brands to scale their Online Sales exponentially in a predictable way.


Meet our Happy Students

Over the past years we have improved the Ad Performance of over 120+ different Brands all over Europe. Here are some of our happy students who lowered their Cost and increased their Return on Ad Spend with our Program.

Mathias Tagwerker, Marketing @Zeitgeist

„I’ve never seen any course that is so updated, data driven and so focused on conversion & ROAS. This is really a no-brainer for anyone who wants to accelerate his business with Facebook & Instagram Ads.“


Manuel Lutter, CEO of Swiss Agency

"In a very short time I learned so many tactics about the right campaign structure, strategies, creatives, videos and copies. We were able to bring the ads of our clients on a whole new level!"


Christopher Lewis, Facebook Ads Freelancer

"Joining the Program was the best choice in my business... actually in LIFE! Before that I worked 9to5 wanting to spend time with my son while building a solid business. Couple of months later I'm overwhelmed with the amount of Ad Accounts that I'm running right now. Now I'm scaling my agency!"


Julian Serrano, Co-Founder

FeelTattoo is Spains number 1 eCommerce for temporary tattoos with a strong focus on Performance Marketing via Facebook & Instagram Ads.


Irene Sango, FB & IG Ads Freelancer

Helping entrepreneurs get more clients online using social media paid ads as Digital Marketing Consultant and Video Producer all over Europe.


Davorin David, Recruiter

Recruitment Expert at Teach For Austria who lowered his Cost per Lead for each Job Applicant with our Full-Funnel Strategy.


Eric André, Co-Founder

Jamie Looks is a fashion eyewear eCommerce startup led by McKinsey & BCG alums and accomplished entrepreneurs from Copenhagen.


Angel Pachón, Co-Founder

Rocketsco is a bracelet eCommerce startup with trendy accessories that complement the wardrobe in the day to day. They are based in Barcelona.


Janaina von Moos, Selling Online Courses

"His strategies are up to the point, easy to implement and they DO WORK. We are so happy with the results. Patrick is the #1 person here in Europe to get the maximum out of your campaigns."


Yan Vispo, Advertiser for Infoproducts

"Thanks to the Full-Funnel Strategy now my daily work is much more automated, so that I can focus on scaling my business. I have been able to generate over 100.000€ with infoproducts already this year."


Christiaan Henny, 

"In this course you get tip after tip after tip and each of them will increase your ROAS directly. Patrick is beyond knowledgeable and actively engages with his students also in the 24/7 support groups on WhatsApp & Facebook."


Tim Lorenz, Co-Founder

RosenStaub is a fashion eCommerce from Germany with over 12 years of tradition and a physical presence in over 30 stores.


Han Bruers, Co-Founder

DAPHNY RAES is a Dutch eCommerce for Luxury Leather Handbags. With our Program they successfully entered 7 new European markets.


Alberto Ciccarini, Digital Marketing Agency

"The Program helped me to increase the satisfaction of my clients by doubling the performance from the first to the second semester thanks to the better targeting and ad creation I learned in this course."


Gaspi Montllonch, Founder

Digital Taktik is Barcelona based Marketing and Advertising Agency focused on Performance Marketing via Facebook & Instagram Ads for Lead Generators.


Vasilij Brandt, Co-Founder

Nordgreen is a watch eCommerce startup with minimalistic Scandinavian Bang & Olufsen design based in Copenhagen.


Thomas Steurer, Entrepreneur

"Patrick's deep Insights with a lot of KnowHow helped us to boost the Sales from our Online Shop. Plus their WhatsApp Support is really amazing!"


Borja Durán, Co-Founder

MobilePower is a tech eCommerce startup with smart backpacks and speakers. Based in Barcelona.


Hannes Jacobsson Digital Marketing Freelancer

Applied the Full-Funnel Strategy to boost his business and clients: eCommerce stores, App start-ups, and more.


Juan Gonzalez, Consultor de Marketing Digital

"Desde que empecé el programa Ads Accelerator he conseguido emplear los conocimientos para crear mi propio negocio de Marketing digital agregando valor a los negocios con los que trabajo, incrementando su facturación y número de clientes mes a mes de manera rentable."


Ignacio Testor, Digital Manager

„Desde el primer momento mejoramos nuestros resultados. Empezamos a invertir mucho mejor, sacando el máximo de provecho con el mínimo de coste. Gracias a la optimización podíamos escalar por todo Europa.“


Olga Gómez, FB Ads Manager

"Uno de los Programas más completos en el mercado! Está muy bien estructurado, te hace pasar por todas las fases del Funnel y es muy fácil de seguir. Toda la experiencia de Patrick nutre muy bien el curso."


Oscar Nieto, Fundador

„Con la Full-Funnel Strategy abrimos nuevos países y vendemos a un público mucho más amplio. En una semana sola ya hemos recuperado la inversión en la formación. Ahora trabajo la mitad y gano el doble. Muy recomendable.“


Javier Castro, CoFundador

Implementó la Full-Funnel Strategy en ODISEL, una marca Lifestyle de zapatillas y alpargatas, para poder llegar a las personas adecuadas e incrementar las ventas.


Michael Alvarado, FB & IG Ads Freelancer

"Es una joya lo que Patrick Wind comparte. Estoy obteniendo mejores resultados que nunca, aumentando el CTR y bajando el coste por Lead. En tal solo 8 semanas yo ya doblé la inversión en el curso."


Martin Roldan, Facebook Ads Marketer

"En el curso van a aprender cómo crear campañas rentables y cuales son los elementos que las hacen rentables. Si te dedicas a vender productos online o si quieres trabajar como marketer te lo recomiendo 100%."


Edward Moore, Agency Owner from Dubai

"This course took us to Master Level and gave us massive confidence. It is full of tips, tricks and shortcuts to increase the profitability of your marketing campaigns. Stop wasting time & money and join today!"


Thomas Sagnier, eCommerce Manager @DiamondSupplyCo

DiamondSupplyCo is a US-based Skater Brand with over 20 years of tradition and over 1,500,000 Fans on Facebook.


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