Explore is made for you to connect with companies and creators to see their content and to shop. There are no two same Explore pages as it’s created based on individual preference. Now businesses can reach those “explorers” thanks to ads in Explore.
Here are some impressive numbers:
Now advertisers can broaden their campaigns to more audiences and stay on the edge of what’s trending. They can take advantage of the user’s discovery mindset when using Explore to show them something they might like finding out.
This is how it works: a user will be exploring Instagram Explore, with its grids of images and video. If the user presses the little image, it will take him/her to Explore Feed with a scrollable feed of images and video. If the user clicks on the larger image, it will take him/her to Explore Video with scrollable video. Ads can be placed on both of those destinations.
Of course, Ads won’t be placed on Instagram Explore’s grids of photos and videos. Just imagine the user experience if you clicked on something that has caught your attention and… Surprise! An Ad!
Learn the exact Bid Strategies, Audiences & Ads that Patrick has applied to over 120+ Brands to generate over €10,000,000 with their Facebook & Instagram Ads.
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