Os presentamos 3 de las novedades de Facebook de los últimos 2 meses que nos han llamado más la atención. Son cosas muy concretas y que no requieren artículos enteros para ser explicados. Por ello, para no matar una mosca a cañonazos, os hemos preparado un resumen sintetizado. En caso de que os interese profundizar un poco más, facilitamos enlaces al artículo original de la propia Facebook.
Una de las tácticas más populares de la Masterclass de Patrick sobre Facebook e Instagram era la de conseguir cientos y miles de “likes”, “shares” y “comments” en nuestra publicación. En resumidas cuentas, la idea era crear un post orgánico, usarlo como anuncio en una campaña de interacción y después usar el mismo post en una campaña de conversión.
Se trataba de una...
We present to you 3 of the new features on Facebook in the last 2 months that have attracted our attention most. These are very specific things that do not require whole separate articles to be explained, so we have prepared a summary for you. In case you are interested in going deeper, we provide links to the original article on Facebook.
One of the most popular tactics of Patrick's Facebook and Instagram Masterclass was to get hundreds or thousands of "likes", "shares" and "comments" in our ad. In short, the idea was to create an organic post, use it as an ad in an engagement campaign, and then use the same post in a conversion campaign.
This was a tactic that we can only implement with our Facebook posts, but thanks to the recent Facebook update, we can now do the same with our Instagram Feed and Stories posts! The path to choosing our Instagram publication is the same as for our Facebook publication.
Instead of "Create...
July has just ended and hereby the Top Instagram Features of the past month.
You can download it here. It is a dropbox file. The guide is composed by 50 pages of best practices and useful tips on how to grow your audience on Instagram.
Instagram says over 200 million people visit Explore every day to discover new ideas and find inspiration.
They even share a Pro tip: These Topic Channels will show you hashtags related to the channel you’re viewing. Use these hashtags to elevate your own posts and get more reach, because if they’re popular enough for Instagram to list, there’s a good chance people are using and searching for them.Those people are likely your target audience.
Let this picture explain for itself
Now, you can video chat in Instagram Direct, either with just one person or a group.
Add a soundtrack...
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