Merger between Messenger and Instagram DM

instagram dm messenger Nov 05, 2020

Have you ever stopped to think how nice it would be if Instagram's chat system looked more like Messenger's or if you didn't have to leave Messenger to chat with Instagram profiles and vice versa?

Well, Facebook has taken a giant step forward in this regard. Soon, not only will Instagram's chat system have the same functionalities as Messenger, but those systems will also be interconnected with each other.

What does this mean? That, if we are on Messenger, we will be able to have a chat with someone who is writing to us from their Instagram, and vice versa.

The update, although imminent, has not yet landed in Europe. When it does, at least for the first few months, the change will not be automatically applied when updating the App. To do this, within Instagram, we must go to "Settings" and select "Update Messaging" when that option appears.

As business owners and entrepreneurs interested in selling online, this is great news since such convenient tools encourage users to spend...

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Fusi贸n entre Messenger y el chat de Instagram

¿Alguna vez os habéis parado a pensar en lo bien que estaría que el sistema de chat de Instagram se pareciera más al de Messenger o que no hubiera que salir del Messenger para chatear con perfiles de Instagram y viceversa?

Pues bien, Facebook ha dado un paso de gigante al respecto. Pronto, no solo el sistema de chat de Instagram tendrá las mismas funcionalidades que Messenger, sino que, además, dichos sistemas estarán interconectados entre sí.

¿Qué quiere decir eso? Que, si estamos en Messenger, podremos mantener un chat con alguien que nos está escribiendo desde su Instagram, y viceversa.

La actualización, si bien es inminente, aún no ha aterrizado en España. Cuando lo haga, al menos los primeros meses, el cambio no será aplicado de manera automática al actualizar la App. Para ello, dentro de Instagram, deberemos de ir a "Configuración" y seleccionar "Actualizar...

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Facebook is launching Avatars

facebook messenger Jun 04, 2019

Facebook is - finally- launching a new feature: Avatars, a playful way for users to represent themselves in Messenger chats and News Feed comments. This feature lets you customize a virtual lookalike of yourself for use as stickers in chat and comments.

You can personalize your Avatar’s face, hair, and clothes. Here you can see an example:

Avatars is currently only available to users in Australia, but all Facebook users will be able to create them sometime at the end of 2019 or early 2020. We would love to be able to create our avatar now! 

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