Recorded content is and will continue to be vitally important to most businesses as when used properly they can help deliver more value to our customers while allowing us to use our time more efficiently.
That said, recorded content always lost value with the pass of time, but its devaluation rate is growing faster due to how easy it is to replicate, store it, and to access it, while live content is getting increasingly valuable in comparison. There are many practical reasons that can answer the reason for this trend, although perhaps the greatest “culprit” is our human condition.
Does anyone imagine attending a concert of our favorite music band where the band is not going to be present at the concert and what we hear are the recordings of their songs? Surely not, even despite that the recordings would have a better sound quality and would generally be a more polished version of the songs than a live concert.
Why is this happening? People like to be connected; we like...
Let's admit it, creating content and doing it regularly squeezing the most creative side of our brain is not an easy task. Doing it week after week...
What is the most difficult part of the whole process? Those of you who already do creative endeavors, you know perfectly - the most difficult thing is to start. Once you get started, little by little and with some patience, ideas begin to sprout. In the end, we remember the hardship of getting to start as if it was a distant past, something lived in another life, although only a few minutes have passed.
To combat this effect and the procrastination that usually accompanies it, there is nothing like good daily, weekly, monthly, semiannual, annual or life planning. But hey, if what we have is an Instagram account and a business to promote, doing a weekly or monthly planning is a good place to start. Example of a result after a good planning session:
Some tips to make planning a more focused experience:
Have you ever noticed how pleasant it is to visualize most of the popular Instagram accounts? Can you say the same of all accounts? Probably not. Why do you think something like this happens? There are many reasons. Probably the most important among them are the design, the consistency of the design, the thematic consistency of the content and, above all, the quality of the content.
Design matters and, therefore, has a great impact on the results of our Instagram account. It's, basically, like our face in front of other people. If we are creating posts randomly, that means we do not follow a structure and a general design beyond the design of the post itself, which is also super important.
Making drastic leaps from one style to another and doing it too often will not suit our audience. You may not even understand why, but you will feel that something is wrong. Imagine that you know someone who dresses very formal and the next day, surprise – he/she is going gothic style. Once...
Cada vez hay más personas que convierten su pasión en profesión gracias a que consiguen monetizarla mediante contenido de marca. Es decir, creación de contenido vinculado a la marca.
Qué los creadores de contenido y marcas forman parte del núcleo de Instagram no es un secreto. Las probabilidades de que conozcamos hoy en día al menos a una persona que aprovecha su Instagram de cualquier modo para hacer más dinero del que haría sin Instagram, son muy grandes. Facebook quiere potenciar y ayudar a ese núcleo y lo hace con su Facebook’s Brand Collabs Manager.
Se trata de una herramienta que antes solo estaba disponible para Facebook. Básicamente, sirve para ayudar a, por un lado, creadores de contenido y, por otro lado, marcas, a encontrarse y colaborar de una manera más cómoda y práctica. También permite a las marcas no solo buscar creadores contenido, si no otras marcas con...
Having a lot of followers is nice, but ... for what? For those of us who use Instagram for our business, the answer is very clear - to increase sales of our product or service. Every product or service covers a niche in the market, a niche that is made up of a certain group of people with similar preferences and needs, not all people on the planet.
Absurd example: if we are dedicated to selling football balls, but most of our fans are interested in basketball, we are doing something wrong. That is why it is very important that from the beginning we create personalized content for the audience that we want to attract and maintain. Several tips on how to do it:
Look at trends and patterns when analyzing the metrics of your Instagram account
You have posted a post and it has given you good results. What made it happen? What has influenced the results? Write down your hypotheses and test them in future publications to see if you were right or not. Repeat the process for months and you...
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