驴Por qu茅 crear tus propios anuncios?

mobile first Jan 26, 2021

Salvo que hayamos empezado a flirtear con el Marketing Digital hace tan solo unos días, a estas alturas ya todos habremos oído el concepto de “Mobile First” ya que la inmensa mayoría de usuarios navega por internet usando el móvil.

Mobile First no solo es tener la web optimizada para móvil y hacer anuncios verticales, Mobile First es también crear videos directamente con el móvil, sin necesidad de equipación profesional.

Hay un dato impactante proporcionado por Facebook y es que, por ejemplo, una Storie grabada con móvil tiene un 63% más probabilidades de conseguir mejores resultados que una Storie profesional grabada en un estudio. ¡Un 63%! Este dato es la razón de esta Newsletter.

Estamos tan acostumbrados a ver anuncios de calidad de la TV (aunque ya prácticamente no la veamos), que tardamos milisegundos detectar que “aquí nos quieren vender algo” y acto...

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Why create your own ads?

mobile first Jan 26, 2021

Unless we started flirting with Digital Marketing just a few days ago, by now we will all have heard the concept of "Mobile First" as the vast majority of users browse the internet using their mobiles.

Mobile First is not only having the web optimized for mobile and making vertical ads but it's also creating videos directly with the mobile, without the need for professional equipment.

There is shocking data provided by Facebook. For example, Stories recorded with mobile are 63% more likely to achieve better results than professional Stories recorded in a studio. A whopping 63%! This data alone is the reason for today's Newsletter.

We are so used to seeing quality TV ads (even though we hardly ever watch them anymore), that it takes us milliseconds to detect that "they want to sell us something" and as a reflex, we ignore it to continue with our business.

The fact that it doesn't look professional is precisely what makes users spend more time on the ad since it could be a friend's...

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