Facebook stops it's ad placement implementation on WhatsApp ⛔

That Facebook has been thinking about using WhatsApp to set up new windows for ads for a while now, is not a secret. For those who have not yet heard the news, Facebook bought WhatsApp in 2014 for 22 billion dollars. Although considerable time has passed, the Facebook logo has begun to appear when WhatsApp started recently and if some of you wondered why now you know. Those who already knew about this transaction were probably asking the same question that we ask ourselves in AdsAccelerator: seeing the number of placements that have been mounted on Instagram, Messenger App and Facebook itself, as WhatsApp has not yet been addressed?

Apparently, there was very little left for it, so little that there was a team that was already creating prototypes. What happened? Facebook has decided to back down and not only has disassembled the team that was working on the implementation of ads on WhatsApp - they have eliminated the work that this team had done so far.

As a curious detail -...

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Facebook frena los anuncios en WhatsApp ⛔

Que Facebook lleva pensando desde hace ya un tiempo usar WhatsApp para montar nuevos escaparates para anuncios, no es un secreto. Para quienes aún no hayan oído la noticia, Facebook compró WhatsApp en 2014 por 22 billones de dólares. Si bien ya ha pasado un tiempo considerable, el logo de Facebook ha empezado a aparecer al iniciar WhatsApp desde hace poco y si algunos os preguntabais el por qué, ahora ya lo sabéis. Los que ya sabían de esta transacción probablemente se estuvieran haciendo la misma pregunta que nos hacemos nosotros en AdsAccelerator: viendo la cantidad de ‘placements’ que han montado en Instagram, Messenger App y la propia Facebook, ¿cómo es que WhatsApp aún no ha sido abordado?

Al parecer quedaba muy poco para ello, tan poco que había un equipo que ya estaba creando prototipos. ¿Qué ha pasado? Facebook ha decidido dar marcha atrás y no solo ha...

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WhatsApp test shares your Status to Facebook and other apps

whatsapp Jun 27, 2019

WhatsApp test shares your Status to Facebook and other apps. The test started on June 26, from now on users in WhatsApp’s beta program will start to see a new sharing option beneath their status, which can be used to post a status directly to their Facebook story or send it to another app like Google Photos, Gmail, or Instagram.

WhatsApp Status is the service’s Instagram Stories-style feature that lets you post images, text, and videos on your profile that disappear after 24 hours.

According to The Verge, "WhatsApp won't require users to directly link their Facebook account to the chat app in order to port their Status to their Story". 

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Coming Soon: WhatsApp Ads!

new placements whatsapp Dec 03, 2018

Here is the WhatsApp timeline or main milestones:

  • A couple of years back, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for 22,000 million of US $!
  • Few months ago, Facebook announced they will sell a Business WhatsApp version.
  • At the beginning of August, rumors about WhatsApp Ads were already spread all over the internet.
  • This week, I must say the rumors are true. I say this according what is written in important Tech Media.

WhatsApp will start running Ads in 2019. There will be 2 main Ad Placements:

1. WhatsApp Status: according to Statista, WhatsApp status has over 450 millions users. This is huge! Instagram stories has 400 millions.

2. WhatsApp "Customer Service": a customer could contact a company just writing a WhatsApp message instead of calling.

Of course, all WhatsApp Ads will be managed using the Facebook algorithms and segmentations that so many good results brought to the company of Palo Alto.

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