Goodbye to the 20% text limit in ads

ads copy creatives text limit Sep 29, 2020

Recently we had started to have customers asking us something like this: "how come Facebook has approved this company's ad (screenshot) if they have so much text in their ad? It takes up much more than 20% of the image and I've been turned down for much less".

This was a totally justified doubt since, at the end of the day, who hasn't been rejected or limited by Facebook for an ad due to excessive text? For the most part, those who have never run Facebook Ads campaigns.

Well, from now on we will start seeing ads with much more text and, of course, we can start experiencing the same thing in our own creatives. After so many years of repression, probably more than one will let off steam by creating text-only ads.

The point is that Facebook is dedicating September to getting rid of the 20% limit and although there has not yet been an official statement open to the public, some marketers had begun to receive notifications like this:


The fact that Facebook is removing the 20%...

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5 consejos para mejorar las conversiones de tus anuncios de Facebook e Instagram

La gente consume información cada vez más deprisa. Si no somos capaces de adaptarnos a ese ritmo rápido al que se están acostumbrando y demandan, tendremos problemas.

En un estudio de Akamai de hace 3 años se vio que 100 milisegundos de tiempo de carga adicional de una web eran suficientes como para bajar sus ventas o suscripciones en un 7% y que si la página tardaba más de 3 segundos en cargar, la mitad de usuarios que entraban con el móvil se iban a otro sitio. 3 segundos!

Leído de esta manera parece poco, pero cuando estamos “en el Flow” navegando en internet, se pueden hacer muy largos. Se trata de una interrupción de nuestro Flow, y el precio a pagar por tal sacrilegio es la completa ignoración del culpable.

Permitir a los usuarios que naveguen con la velocidad que quieran hacerlo sin mermar su experiencia es muy, muy importante y no solo estamos hablando del tiempo de carga de...

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5 tips to improve your Facebook and Instagram Ads conversions

People are consuming information faster and faster. If we are not able to adapt to that fast pace to which they are getting used to and demanding, we will have problems.

A study from Akamai 3 years ago found that 100 milliseconds of extra web load time was enough to drive down sales or subscriptions by 7% and that if the page took longer than 3 seconds to load, half of the users entering with their mobile phone would go elsewhere. 3 seconds!

It seems little, but when we are "in the Flow" surfing the internet, it feels different. This is an interruption of our Flow, and the price to pay for such sacrilege is ignoring the culprit.

Allowing users to surf as fast as they want to without diminishing their experience is very, very important and we are not just talking about the loading time of web pages - it is something that affects the entire browsing experience, from start to finish.

What does this mean? That the content itself is also part of the experience, whether it's...

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Creativity + Experimentation = Prize 馃コ

The creative element of an advertising campaign on Facebook and Instagram is getting more and more important and this trend is only going to increase as Facebook uses increasingly advanced algorithms and introduces new tools that simplify the technical part of the job.

The goal of good ad creativity is to engage and, if possible, entertain our audience. Furthermore, it's one of our best communication tool. It is not said in vain that an image is worth a thousand words. A good video goes a long way.

It is also our cover letter and positioning tool - in just a few seconds the audience can judge our professionalism and intentions.

Good creative is a powerful thing that's beyond any opinion - it's a measurable and demonstrable fact. When done properly, it can strongly increase the CTR of our ad (click-to-impression ratio) and greatly decrease our CPA (cost per acquisition - for example, the advertising cost of a sale).

In short, its importance is indisputable. The question...

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