Facebook & Google finally share data between their "Silos"

Who has not suffered from different Attribution Models between the two Digital Marketing Giants, Facebook & Google? At least in the US and Europe one can clearly say that these two giants have a Duopoly when it comes to Digital Media Spend (>60% in the US in 2017).

However, up until this year they never really communicated between each other and therefore lead their customers to wrong conclusions because every one attributed the conversions mainly to themselves. 

This could result for example in the scenario where an eCommerce Owners sees in Shopify 10 Sales per day, but Google says that 7 from them come form AdWords an Facebook says that 8 of them come from Facebook Ads. But where do the 5 additional sales come from? 

Well, they basically come from double-attribution which is now finally tackled by the biggest Data-Transfer-Project of Digital Marketing World. 

Read more: https://techcrunch.com

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