So! Third week, third step of the five steps series to create interesting and engaging Instagram stories!
Make your viewers feel how you want them to feel
You may think that this is off topic, but what I am going to say now is pure truth and is very related to Instagram since it is a visual means to transmit messages. So, did you know that for a professional Movie or Series Editor priority number 1 is a scene that conveys the emotion that is intended to be transmitted in the best possible way? Then come the rest like the image quality, the quality of the frame and a long, etc. Why? Because we are human, and we remember emotions much better than all the rest combined. Not only do we remember emotions better, but we understand them at an incredible level and naturally since we were born. Yes, there are insensitive people in the world, but we are not talking about extreme cases (yes, they are very rare cases). Have you ever stopped to think about it? We understand emotions without anyone having to explain it to us, we carry it in our blood. That is why communicating with emotion is incredibly effective and powerful. So much so that the real message may be more than doubtful, but if it is transmitted with the right emotion, people will remember the emotion. Therefore, ‘’stickers/emoticons can say more than 1000 words’’ (quote for the history, by Ads Accelerator), because they are great for that purpose 😎!
Therefore, have fun, experiment and communicate with stickers and emoticons.
So far, the tips for this week. Stay tuned for step 4!
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