Interactivity for the win! ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻
Fourth week! The end of the five-step series to create interesting and engaging Instagram stories is coming!
Interact with your audience!
Today the interactivity is King, and the trend will only increase. Hence the growing success of Conversational Marketing. We are human beings, social beings - we carry the desire to relate to with other people in our blood. The more and better connection and relationship, the better. Allowing users who follow us more interactivity with us or our company influences in a very important way the connection we create with them. They cease to be simple consumers of our product or whatever we offer, and they start to feel more heard, more respected, more loved. How can you take advantage of this human nature and the technology provided by Instagram?
Here 6 tips:

- Perform live sessions. Show more real, more authentic content. Let people see that this is not a 5-minute show for which you have been preparing an entire month. Make your followers feel that they are special by sharing special content with them in a more personal way.
- Conduct Q&A sessions. Of course, better if it’s live. Let people see that you interact with them in one of the most direct way that there is- answering their questions. Not everyone dares, especially those who have something to hide. People, in general, recognize the courage one demonstrates by letting hundreds of people ask the questions they want to ask. Remember that you do not have to answer everything either and that you can choose what interests you most but be careful to not look evasive about some topic that interest your audience a lot.
- Make countdowns. We love countdowns. Above all, if at the end of one there are gifts. It makes us think about it more often. Use that to everybody’s advantage.
- Conduct quizzes. Play with your followers, give them small challenges ... and perhaps even small gifts for those who show more knowledge or most original answers.
- Perform polls. What better way to decide than what you are doubting to ask your followers? This is extremely powerful if what you are thinking about is what product to launch and have doubts among several options. Ask your followers and potential customers! This way you minimize the risks and make them feel important for the influence they have on your choices ... and it is true, they have it. Listen to them. The more you give people what they want and what they need, the more successful your business will be. Just make it be something that will makes their lives better in any way.
So far, the tips for this week. Stay tuned for the fifth and final step!
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