iOS 14 & the 8 events per domain

domain verification Feb 23, 2021

In the Newsletter of February 9th, we talked about domain verification, whose main objective was to prepare our business for the changes brought about by Facebook's adaptation to iOS14.

A secondary objective, if you remember, was to reduce the possibility of being blocked by Facebook, an objective that was shared in the February 16 Newsletter, on business verification, which is something different.

Domain verification is a previous step to be able to configure the 8 most important conversion events of our website. If we have not done it correctly, you won't be able to implement the instructions in this article.

It should be noted that there is a limit of 8 events per domain, regardless of whether they are standard or custom events. That is to say, if we have several different Pixels in the same domain, we will not be able to choose 16 events (if there are so many), but 8.

So, why do you have to make this configuration? Because if you don't do it, Facebook will do it for you. And what's wrong with Facebook doing it for you? It depends!

A) If you don't use 8 events or less on your website, you could leave everything in Facebook's hands and do nothing beyond domain verification.

Let's see, for example, the sufficient events for more than 80% of eCommerce: Page View, View Content, Add to Cart, Initiate Checkout, Purchase. 5 in total. It won't matter which 8 Facebook chooses because no event will be left on the bench.

In this case, we have said that you could leave everything in the hands of Facebook, but it is advisable to make sure that Facebook prioritizes the events correctly.

What is this prioritization of events? Quite simply, isn't purchase more important than a website visit? Facebook is not going to get it wrong with standard events like these, but it is very likely to get it wrong with custom events.

What we would do is look at how Facebook has prioritized our events and make modifications if we have to.

B) If you use more than 8 events on your website, you have to jump through the hoops and manually configure and prioritize them. Let's get down to business.

1. Go to the Events Manager and click on Aggregated Event Measurement.

2. Once inside the Web Event Configurations, we click on the drop-down of the verified domain

3. Click on Edit events

4. Add up to 8 events, choose between Pixel/Custom Conversion, and prioritize - the important ones at the top and the less important ones at the bottom

We recommend leaving Value Optimization set to Off as having it set to On would reduce the number of events we can choose from 8 to 4.

By the way! Patrick is doing this afternoon at 17:30 CET a new live Webinar. Topics to be covered:

鉁旓笍 Why iOS14 is a real challenge

鉁旓笍 How to rescue your Retargeting

鉁旓笍 Actions Items for Attribution

鉁旓笍 Our complete 10-Step Checklist

鉁旓笍 Ask your Individual Questions

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