CRO is the acronym for Conversion Rate Optimization. What is it for? To increase your conversion ratio. Where? Of course, on your website or landing page.
It is curious that almost all of us have a website or landing page for our business, but not all of us have heard of CRO or know what it’s really for. Basically, there’s the art of making good Facebook Ads campaigns so that our ads convert, and there is the art of making good web pages and landing pages so that more of the people who come to the website convert. Obviously, more conversion equals more sales.
The good thing about all this is that it is not necessary for us to be CRO artists. By learning and implementing the different techniques and principles that compose it, we can already achieve important conversion improvements.
Just like with Facebook Ads, there are several steps that are very easy to follow and implement, while there are others that require more time and A/B testing. We are going to give you some very general tips to encourage you to dig deeper into the subject and keep it in mind as priority # 2 on your list of skills to perfect (priority # 1, of course, Facebook Ads).
Learn the exact Bid Strategies, Audiences & Ads that Patrick has applied to over 120+ Brands to generate over €10,000,000 with their Facebook & Instagram Ads.
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